political confusion syndrome Discourses, Critical Applied Linguistics, a problematizing practice, voice
This paper aims at extending our understanding of a problematizing practice in Critical Applied Linguistics by exploring issues pertaining to political "confusion syndrome" Discourses. Central to this practice is how EFL teachers and learners depart from their reluctance to explore political issues. Being scaffolded with a working model of such Discourses and a suggested simulation practice, they are hoped to learn how to sympathize with politicians' confusion.Downloads
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Pennycook, A. (1994). Incommensurable discourse. Applied Linguistics, 15(2), 115-138. [CrossRef]
Pennycook, A. (1999). Introduction: Critical approaches to TESOL. TESOL Quarterly, 33(3), 329-348. [CrossRef]
Pennycook, A. (2001). Critical applied linguistics: A critical introduction. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Pennycook, A. (2004). Critical moments in a TESOL praxicum. In B. Norton & K. Toohey (Eds.), Critical pedagogies and language learning (pp. 327-345). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [CrossRef]
Pennycook, A. (n.d.). Critical applied linguistics. Retrieved 17 August, 2007, from
Saraceni, M. (2003). The strange case of Dr Blair and Mr Bush: Counting their words to solve a mystery. English Today, 19(3), 3-13. [CrossRef]
Seth, S. P. (2007, June 12). Sutiyoso and the angry neighbors. The Jakarta Post. Retrieved March 25, 2008, from 06/12/sutiyoso-and-angry-neighbors.html.
Tannen, D. (2007). Talking voices: Repetition, dialogue, and imagery in conversational discourse (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [CrossRef]
Thompson, G. (1996). Voices in the text: Discourse perspectives on language reports. Applied Linguistics, 17(4), 501-530. [CrossRef]
Wortham, S., & Locher, M. (1999). Embedded metapragmatics and lying politi¬cians. Language & Communication, 19, 109-125. [CrossRef]
How to Cite
Mambu, J. (2008). ADDRESSING POLITICAL "CONFUSION SYNDROME" DISCOURSES: A CRITICAL APPLIED LINGUISTICS PERSPECTIVE. K@ta: A Biannual Publication on the Study of Languange and Literature, 10(1), 14-35.
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