graffiti, truck, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
This article provides an initial discussion of truck graffiti. It reviews pertinent literature on graffiti which shows that, despite the fact that graffiti have attracted a number of researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds, truck graffiti have been under researched. It also specifically presents types of graffiti and approaches to graffiti research which demonstrates that, even though truck graffiti might be classified into "public", they seem to have been overlooked in the realm of graffiti research. This situation insinuates that truck graffiti, particularly those in the Indonesian settings, warrants further exploration.Downloads
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Aveling, H. (Ed. & Trans.). (2001). Secrets need words: Indonesian poetry, 1966-1998. Athens: Ohio University Press.
Aveling, H. (2004). Indonesian literature after reformasi: The tongues of women. Paper presented at the Seminar on Indonesia Election 2004: End of Reformasi, organized by The Regional Studies Program, Institute of Liberal Arts, Walailak University and the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia (Songkhla), 18 June 2004, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand.
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Dahana, A. (2004). Pri and non-pri relations in the reform era: A pribumi’s perspective In L. Suryadinata (Ed.), Ethnic relations and nation-building in Southeast Asia: The case of the ethnic Chinese (pp. 45-65). Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Effendy, B. (2003). Islam and the state in Indonesia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Emmison, M., & Smith, P. (2000). Researching the visual: Images, objects, contexts and interactions in social and cultural inquiry. London: Sage Publications.
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Gross, D, Walkosz, B, & Gross T. (1997). Language boundaries and discourse stability: Tagging as a form of graffiti spanning international boundaries. ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 54(3), 275-286.
Herlijanto, J. (2003). The politics of Chinese Indonesians after the May 1998 tragedy. Paper presented at the 3rd International Convention of Asia Scholars, August 19-22, 2003, organized by National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Odi. (2004, June 17). Pesan Lantas di Bak Truk [Advice on lawful driving on truck deck]. Jawa Pos, p. 30.
Jordaan, R. E. (1997). Tara and Nyai Lara Kidul: Images of the Divine Feminine in Java. Asian Folklore Studies, 56(2), 285-312. [CrossRef]
Joswig-Mehnert, D., &Yule, G. (1996). The trouble with graffiti. Journal of English Linguistics, 24(2), 123-130. [CrossRef]
Kuntowijoyo. (2002). Selamat tinggal mitos selamat datang realitas. [Good bye myth, welcome reality]. Bandung: Mizan Media Utama.
Manning, C., & van DIermen, P. (Eds). (2000). Indonesia in transition: Social aspects of reformasi, and crisis. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Moonwomon, B. (1995). The writing on the wall: A border case of race and gender. In K. Hall, & M. Bucholtz (Ed.), Gender articulated: Language and the socially constructed self (pp. 447-467). New York: Routledge.
Mundayat, A. A. (2004). Political figures, civil society, and half-hearted reformasi. Paper presented at the Seminar on Indonesia Election 2004: End of Reformasi, organized by The Regional Studies Program, Institute of Liberal Arts, Walailak University and the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia (Songkhla), 18 June 2004, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand.
Niyomsilpa, S. (2004). Indonesian political economy and its wider implications for Thailand and ASEAN. Paper presented at the Seminar on Indonesia Election 2004: End of Reformasi, organized by The Regional Studies Program, Institute of Liberal Arts, Walailak University and the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia (Songkhla), 18 June 2004, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand.
Obeng, S. G. (2000). Speaking the unspeakable: Discursive strategies to express language attitudes in Legon (Ghana) graffiti. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 33(3), 291-319. [CrossRef]
Riffaterre, M. (1978). Semiotics of poetry. Bloomington & London: Indiana University Press.
Rodriguez, A., & Clair, R. P. (1999). Graffiti as communication: Exploring the discursive tensions of anonymous texts. Southern Communication Journal, 65(1), 1-15. [CrossRef]
Santoso, A. (2003). Bahasa politik pasca Orde Baru. [Political language in post New Order]. Jakarta: Wedatama Widya Sastra.
Schwarz, A. (2004). Indonesia: The election and beyond. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Selden, R, & Widdowson, P. (1993). A reader's guide to contemporary literary theory. (3rd ed.). Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky.
Sulistiyanto, P. (2004). The politics of reconciliation and forgiveness in post-Suharto Indonesia. Paper presented at the Seminar on Indonesia Election 2004: End of Reformasi, organized by The Regional Studies Program, Institute of Liberal Arts, Walailak University and the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia (Songkhla), 18 June 2004, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand.
Sulistyo, H., Achwan R., & Soetrisno, B. R. (2002). Beyond terrorism: Dampak dan strategi pada masa depan. [Beyond terrorism: Implications and strategies for the future] Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan.
Szwergold, J. (2004). Pic Patrol. Retrieved July 23, 2004, from http://www.
Winarta, F. H. (2004). Racial discrimination in the Indonesian legal system: Ethnic Chinese and nation-building. In L. Suryadinata (Ed.), Ethnic relations and nation-building in Southeast Asia: The case of the ethnic Chinese (pp. 66-81). Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
How to Cite
Basthomi, Y. (2007). AN INITIAL INTIMATION OF A YET BANAL DISCOURSE: TRUCK GRAFFITI. K@ta: A Biannual Publication on the Study of Languange and Literature, 9(1), 34-48.
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