non-standard Indonesian expressions, gender, kinds, frequency
This study reports on the non-standard Indonesian expressions used by men and women in The Reader's Letters in magazines. Seven editions of two different magazines, For Him Magazine and Cosmopolitan, were used as the source of data. The findings revealed the kinds of nonstandard expressions used by both gender, in terms of linguistic categories and non-standard features, also confirming that the men employed more nonstandard expressions than the womenDownloads
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Montgomery, M., & Thomas, H. R. (1994). Language and social life. London: The British Council.
O’Grady, W. Dobrovolsky, M., & Katamba, F. (1996). Contemporary linguistics: An introduction. London and New York: Longman.
Oka, I.G.N., & Suparno. (1994). Linguistik umum. [General linguistics]. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Riasa, N. (2002). Bahasa ABG dalam cerpen remaja: Implikasi dan penga¬jarannya bagi siswa/i sekolah menengah di Australia. [Teenagers’ language in teenagers’ short stories: The implication and the teaching for high school students in Australia]. Retrieved March 25, 2004, from
Tampubolon, D. P. (1978). Pengajaran bahasa dan sastra (vol. 4). [The teaching of language and literature (vol. 4)]. Jakarta: Bhratara Karya Aksara.
Trudgill, P. (1974). Sociolinguistics: Introduction to language and society. London: Cox and Wyman
Yule, G. (1997). The study of language (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
How to Cite
J. Mardijono, J., & Junarto, A. (2007). THE USE OF NON-STANDARD INDONESIAN EXPRESSIONS BY MEN AND WOMEN IN THE READER’S LETTERS. K@ta: A Biannual Publication on the Study of Languange and Literature, 9(1), 60-77.
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